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Current version: 2019.02

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**Licence: Use this template for what you want, but please mention the original author [LaTeX-Vorlage für Bachelor, Master und wissenschaftliche Arbeiten]( and the modders `Thomas Winkler` and `Fabian Plank`.**
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## Inhalt/Table of Content

- [(DE) Latex Vorlage zum Schreiben der Diplom-/Doktorarbeit an der Semmelweis Universität in Budapest](#de-latex-vorlage-zum-schreiben-der-diplom-doktorarbeit-an-der-semmelweis-universität-in-budapest)
    - [Times New Roman](#times-new-roman)
    - [Wie benutze ich die Vorlage?](#wie-benutze-ich-die-vorlage)
        - [Mit "Texmaker"](#mit-texmaker)
        - [Mit "Sharelatex" oder "Overleaf"](#mit-sharelatex-oder-overleaf)
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- [(EN) Latex template for writing a thesis at Semmelweis University](#en-latex-template-for-writing-a-thesis-at-semmelweis-university)
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    - [How to use the template](#how-to-use-the-template)
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        - [With "Texmaker"](#with-texmaker)
        - [With "Sharelatex" or "Overleaf"](#with-sharelatex-or-overleaf)
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- [Great examples](#great-examples)
    - [Line graph](#line-graph)
    - [Bar charts](#bar-charts)
    - [Stacked bar charts](#stacked-bar-charts)
    - [Pie charts](#pie-charts)
    - [Two y-Axes](#two-y-axes)
    - [Text replacement](#text-replacement)
    - [Electronic circuits](#electronic-circuits)


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# (DE) Latex Vorlage zum Schreiben der Diplom-/Doktorarbeit an der Semmelweis Universität in Budapest
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![preview]( "preview")
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Quelle für das Logo der Semmelweis Universität: [Logo](

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Dies ist eine von Thomas Winkler erstellte Vorlage zur Anfertigung einer Diplom-/Doktorarbeit, die speziell die Layoutvorgaben der Semmelweis Universität Budapest berücksichtigt
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Thomas Winkler committed
Der ursprüngliche Code entstammt dem Projekt [LaTeX-Vorlage für Bachelor, Master und wissenschaftliche Arbeiten](
Der Beispieltext ist aus meiner Diplomarbeit mit dem Thema „Pathogene, Diagnostik und Therapie der supraventrikulären Tachykardien“ entnommen, die ich im Jahr 2019 abgegeben habe.
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**Wichtig: Das Kompilieren muss mit dem Argument "-shell-escape" stattfinden!**
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Das Argument "-shell-escape" ist in der Webversion von "Sharelatex" (neuerdings "Overleaf") standardmäßig aktiviert.
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Wie man die Option in "Texmaker" aktiviert siehe weiter unten.

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## Times New Roman
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Aufgrund von Lizenzen konnte nicht die originale "Times New Roman"-Schriftart eingegliedert werden. Diese Projekt benutzt dagegen die Open-Source-Alternative "Liberation Serif".
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Um die originale Schriftart einzugliedern, müssen diese vier Dateien im Stammverzeichnis ersetzt werden: `tnr.tff (regular Times New Roman), tnrb.tff (bold Times New Roman), tnrbi.tff (bold italic Times New Roman), tnri.tff (italic Times New Roman)`
Die originale "Times New Roman"-Schriftart wird mit Ausnahme von Linux-basierten Sytemen mit dem Betriebssystem mitgeliefert beziehungsweise ist standarmäßig installiert.
Unter "Mac OS X" findet man diese Dateien unter dem Pfad: `/Library/Fonts/` nach "Times New Roman" sucht.
Unter Windows findet man diese Dateien unter diesem Pfad: `C:\Windows\Fonts`

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# Wie benutze ich die Vorlage?
## Mit "Texmaker"
1. ["MiKTeX" installieren]( 

![preview]( "MiKTeX")

2. ["Texmaker" installieren](
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3. Im Bib(la)tex Feld `biblatex` zu `biber` ändern
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![preview]( "biber")

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4. `-shell-escape` Argument zum pdflatex-Compiler hinzufügen
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![preview]( "shell-escape")

5. "Quick Build" Optionen zu `pdflatex + biblatex + 2x pdflatex + view pdf` ändern

![preview]( "quick-build")

## Mit "Sharelatex" oder "Overleaf"
Einfach die .zip Datei dieses Projekts downloaden und dort hochladen und du bist startklar!

![preview]( "Sharelatex")

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# (EN) Latex template for writing a thesis at Semmelweis University
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![preview]( "preview")
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Source of the Semmelweis University logo: [logo](

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This template was made by Thomas Winkler by using code from [LaTeX-Vorlage für Bachelor, Master und wissenschaftliche Arbeiten](
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It considers the special layout requirements needed at Semmelweis University.
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The used code is an extract from my original thesis with the title „Pathogene, Diagnostik und Therapie der supraventrikulären Tachykardien“ which was submitted 2019.
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**Important: Compilation must be done with the "-shell-escape" argument!**
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Thomas Winkler committed
The "-shell-escape" argument is already activated in the web version of "Sharlatex" (recently "Overleaf").
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Thomas Winkler committed
How to activate it in "Texmaker" see below.

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## Times New Roman
Because auf licencing, the orginal "Times New Roman" font could not be integrated. Instead this project is using the open source alternative "Liberation Serif".
To change to the original "Times New Roman" just replace following file in the root directory:  `tnr.tff (regular Times New Roman), tnrb.tff (bold Times New Roman), tnrbi.tff (bold italic Times New Roman), tnri.tff (italic Times New Roman)`
The original "Times New Roman" font comes with all major operating systems (excluding linux systems, as I know they are using open source alternatives).
To find the font under "Mac OS X" go to `/Library/Fonts/` and search for "Times New Roman". 
Windows uses this directory to store font files: `C:\Windows\Font`

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# How to use the template
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## With "Texmaker"
1. [Install "MiKTeX"]( 
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![preview]( "MiKTeX")
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2. [Install "Texmaker"](
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3. Change the field Bib(la)tex from `biblatex` to `biber`
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![preview]( "biber")

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4. Add `-shell-escape` to pdflatex arguments
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![preview]( "shell-escape")
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5. Change "Quick Build" options to `pdflatex + biblatex + 2x pdflatex + view pdf`
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![preview]( "quick-build")
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## With "Sharelatex" or "Overleaf"
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Just upload the downloaded .zip from here and you are ready to go!

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![preview]( "Sharelatex")


# Great examples
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Source: [TU Darmstadt LaTex Thesis Template](
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## Beautiful graphs

### Line graph

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			xlabel= Wind speed in m/s,
			ylabel= Relative frequency in \%,
			xmin = 0,
			xmax = 25,
			ymin = 0,
			ymax = 30,
			width= 120mm,
			height = 80mm,
			%legend columns=-1,
			axis x line = bottom,
			axis y line = left,
			legend style = {draw = none, cells={anchor=west}}
			\addplot+[mark=none, blau_2b, very thick] file {data/weibull_k1.dat};
			\addplot+[mark=none, gruen_4b, very thick] file {data/weibull_k1_5.dat};
			\addplot+[mark=none, orange_6b, very thick] file {data/weibull_k2.dat};
			\addplot+[mark=none, rot_8b, very thick] file {data/weibull_k3.dat};
			\legend{k=1, {k=1,5}, k=2, k=3}
	\caption[Weibull distribution with varying scaling factor]{Weibull distribution with varying scaling factor $\bar v_\textnormal{w} = 4\,\textnormal{m/s}$, scaling factor $A = 4,51\,\textnormal{m/s}$ and varying form parameter $k$}

![Line graph](

### Bar charts

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Thomas Winkler's avatar
Thomas Winkler committed
			xlabel = Month,
			xmin = 0.5,
			xmax = 13.5,
			ymin = 0,
			ymax = 35,
			axis x line* = bottom,
			axis y line* = left,
			ylabel= New electric vehicles,
			width= 0.9\textwidth,
			height = 0.6\textwidth,
			ymajorgrids = true,
			bar width = 5mm,
			xticklabels = \empty,
			extra x ticks = {1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9,10,11,12,13},
			extra x tick labels = {Jan '09, Feb, Mar, Apr, May, Jun, Jul, Aug, Sep, Oct, Nov, Dec, Jan '10},
			\addplot+[mark=none, blau_2b, very thick] coordinates {
	\caption[New electric vehicles between Januar 2010 and Januar 2011]{New electric vehicles between Januar 2010 and Januar 2011 \cite{sa-neuzulassungen}}

![Simple bar chart](

### Stacked bar charts

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			ybar stacked,
			xlabel= Year,
			ylabel = Energy in GWh,
			ymajorgrids = true,
			width = 0.9\textwidth,
			height = 0.5\textwidth,
			xmin = 1999.5,
			xmax = 2009.5,
			ymin = 0,
			ymax = 70000,
			axis x line* = bottom,
			axis y line* = left,
			xticklabels = none,
			extra x ticks = {2000, 2001, 2002, 2003, 2004, 2005, 2006, 2007, 2008, 2009},
			extra x tick labels = {2000, 2001, 2002, 2003, 2004, 2005, 2006, 2007, 2008, 2009},
			legend style = {at={(0.5, 1.025)}, anchor = south, legend columns = -1, draw=none, area legend},  
      area legend,
			scaled ticks = false,
			y tick label style = {/pgf/number format/use comma}
			\addplot+[mark=none, fill=blau_2b, draw = blau_2b, bar width = 8mm] table[x=year, y=ror] {data/stacked-bar-chart.dat};
			\addplot+[mark=none, fill=lila_10b, draw = lila_10b, bar width = 8mm] table[x=year, y=storage] {data/stacked-bar-chart.dat};
			\addplot+[mark=none, fill=orange_6b, draw = orange_6b, bar width = 8mm] table[x=year, y=thermal] {data/stacked-bar-chart.dat};
			\addplot+[mark=none, fill=gruen_4b, draw = gruen_4b, bar width = 8mm] table[x=year, y=renewable] {data/stacked-bar-chart.dat};
			\legend{\gls{ROR}, Storage power plant, Thermal power station, Renewable energy}
	\caption[Energy production in Austria]{Energy production in Austria \cite{econtrol2011}}

![Stacked bar chart](

### Pie charts

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Thomas Winkler's avatar
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  % slice
  \draw[thick] (0,0) -- (#1:1) arc (#1:#2:1) -- cycle;
  % outer label
  \node[label=\midangle:#4] at (\midangle:1) {};
  % inner label
  \pgfmathparse{max(\temp,-0.5) + 0.8}
  \node at (\midangle:\innerpos) {#3};

	\foreach \p/\t in {5/Shot break, 19/Rotor, 7/Gear + Generator, 18/remaining Housing, 20/Tower, 6/Power connection, 8/Basement, 3/Misc, 14/Operation}
	\caption[Break down of the CO$_2$ emissions of a wind turbine]{Break down of the CO$_2$ emissions of a wind turbine \cite{kaltschmitt2006}}

![Pie chart](

### Two y-axes

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			scale only axis,
			xlabel= Trips in 2010,
			width = 0.8\textwidth,
			height = 0.5\textwidth,
			ylabel= Covered distance in km,
			% height = 80mm,
			ymin = 0,
			ymax = 800,
			xmin = 0,
			xmax = 111,
			bar width = 0.5mm,
			axis x line* = bottom,
			axis y line* = left,
			bar shift = -0.25mm,
			y tick label style = {/pgf/number format/use comma},
			legend style = {at={(0.5, 1.025)}, anchor = south east, legend columns = -1, draw=none, area legend},
			area legend
			\addplot+[mark=none, blau_2b] table[x=number, y=km] {data/ev.dat};
			\addplot+[line legend, sharp plot, dashed, line width = 2pt, mark=none, draw = blau_2b] coordinates{(0,150) (111,150)};
			\legend{Kilometers, max. range (150 km)}
			scale only axis,
			width = 0.8\textwidth,
			height = 0.5\textwidth,
			axis y line* = right,
			axis x line = none,
			ylabel = Immobilization time between two trips in hours,
			% height = 80mm,
			xmin = 0,
			xmax = 111,
			ymin = 0,
			ymax = 410,
			bar width = 0.5mm,
			bar shift = 0.25mm,
			legend style = {at={(0.5, 1.025)}, anchor = south west, legend columns = -1, draw=none, area legend},
			area legend
			\addplot+[mark=none, gruen_4b] table[x=number, y=time] {data/ev.dat};
			\addplot+[line legend, sharp plot, dashed, line width = 2pt, mark=none, draw = gruen_4b] coordinates{(0,8) (111,8)};
			\legend{Immobilization time, Charging time (8h)}
	\caption[Covered distance and immobilization time between trips of my awesome electric vehicle]{Covered distance per trip and immobilization time between two trips of my awesome electric vehicle in 2010}

![Two y-axes](

### Text replacement

![Without text replacement](

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Thomas Winkler's avatar
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		\psfrag{c}[c][c]{Incidence angle}
	\caption[Geometric conditions between solar irradiation and alignment of the photovoltaic panel]{Geometric conditions between solar irradiation and alignment of the photovoltaic panel \cite{masters04}}

![Text replacement](

### Electronic circuits

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Thomas Winkler's avatar
Thomas Winkler committed
	circuit ee IEC,
	set inductor graphic=var inductor IEC graphic,
	scale = 0.85,
	\draw (0,0) to [current source] (0,3);
	\draw (0,3) to [current direction={info=$I_\textnormal{Ph}$}] (2,3);
	\draw (2,3) -- (4,3);
	\draw (2,3) to [current direction={info={$I_\textnormal{D}$}}] (2,1.5) to [diode] (2,0);
	\draw (0,0) to (8,0);
	\draw (4,0) to [resistor={info={$R_\textnormal{P}$}}] (4,3);
	\draw (4,3) to [resistor={info={$R_\textnormal{S}$}}] (6,3);
	\draw (6,3) to [current direction={info={$I_\textnormal{L}$}}] (8,3);
	\draw (8,3) to [resistor={info={$R_\textnormal{L}$}}](8,0);
	\draw [->] (6,2.8) -- (6,0.2);
	\draw (6,1.5) node[anchor=west]{$U_\textnormal{L}$};

![Electronic circuits](